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4 Sets

Max Tempo Pendlay Row (2/4 BodyWeight) (2121)

1′ rest btw sets

3 Sets

Max Seated Single Arm Neutral Grip Row with Resistance Band (1 Set=R+L)

1′ rest btw sets

Alternate EMOM 28:
1st: 1 Power Clean + 7 Hand Release Push Up
2nd: 1 Power Clean + 7 Toes to Bar
3rd: 1 Power Clean + 7 Burpees (no jump)
4th: 1 Power Clean + 7 Box Jump Overs
*barbell weight is 70/50 kg
*box height is 60/50 cm

S1; 1 PC + 5 reps

S2; 3 Double Dumbbell Power Cleans + 3 reps