İçeriğe geç


Skills and Drills
Toes to Bar:

5 sets (10:00)

8-10 Kip to Chair Position
5-8 Strict Toes to Bar

5 sets (10:00)
6-8 Kip to Chair Position
5-8 Strict Knee Raise + Extension

5 sets (10:00)
5 Kip Swings + Knees up
5-8 Strict Hanging Knee Raise

Alternative Option:
5 sets (10:00)
10 Alternating V-Ups
10 Hollow Rocks
10-second Hollow Rock Hold


16 EMOM:
1.) 10-12 Supinated Grip Strict Chin-Up
2.) 10-15 Weighted or Free P.Bar/Ring Dips
3.) 20 Steps Double Dumbell Front Rack Walking Lunge (rpe 6)
4.) Dinlen


Her 2:30 içinde 10:00 Boyunca (4R)
8 Kneeling Single KB Front Rack Hold With DB Press (R) (rpe 7/10)
8 Kneeling Single KB Front Rack Hold With DB Press (L)
8 Strict Pull-Up