Her 2:00 içinde 8:00 Boyunca (4 Sets)
Shoulder Press 4×10
(build up to moderate weight)
“2 Kişilik Takım Antrenmanı”
I Go You Go Rounds
8 Chest to Bar Pull Up (S1; 8 Pull Up/Jumping Pull Ups – S2; 12 Ring Row)
8 Hang Squat Snatch (Rx; 40/25 kg – S1: Hang Power Snatch *scale weight as needed)
24 Double Unders (S1; 48 SU)
Skills and Drills
Gymnastics: Core Conditioning
Every 1:00 (8:00)
Odd minute: 30 seconds of Hollow Rocks (OR Hollow Hold)
Even minute: 30 seconds of Strict Hanging Knee Raises