İçeriğe geç



Strength 1

Her 2 Dk içinde 6 Dakika Boyunca
Power Clean 3×3 (TNG)
3 Power Cleans x 3 sets  @65-75% of 1RM Clean

2′ Rest

Strength 2

Her 2 Dk içinde 6 Dakika Boyunca
Front Squat 3×3
3 Front Squats x 3 sets  @80% of 1RM Clean

2′ Rest

Strength 3

Her 2 içinde 6 Dakika Boyunca (3 Sets)
Power Clean&Front Squat (1+1 Barbell Complex)
*Start w/80-85% of 1RM Clean
*Work up to heavy! Find 1RM of the day!

Teams of 2 For Time:
30 Muscle Ups (S1; 50 C2B / S2; 60 Pull Ups / S3; 80 Jumping Pull Ups)
30 Power Cleans (50/35 kg)
30 Push Jerk (50/35 kg)

Buy Out: 300 Double Unders

Time Cap: 13-Minutes

Score; Time