Metcon(total reps of strict hspu)
“Team of 3”
—In 15 minutes—
1500/1200 m Row/Ski (switch 500/400 meters) or 3000/2400 m Bike Erg (switch 1000/800 meters)
120 Box Jumps (60/50 cm) (switch every 20 reps)
—In the Remaining Time—
Max reps Strict Hspu (switch every 5 reps)
*Scale Push Up; switch 10 reps!
Rest 5 minutes
Metcon(total reps of wall walk)
“Team of 3”
—In 15 minutes—
1500/1200 m Row/Ski (switch 500/400 meters) or 3000/2400 m Bike Erg (switch 1000/800 meters)
120 Box Jumps (60/50 cm) (switch 20 reps)
—In the Remaining Time—
Max reps Wall Walk (switch every 3 reps)
**Scale Options;
- 1200/900 m Row/Ski (switch every 400/300 meters) or 2400/1800 m Bike Erg (switch every 800/600 meters) + 90 Box Jumps (switch every 15 reps)