Her 3:30 içinde 14:00 Boyunca (4 Sets) (RPE 6-7)
12 Barbell Back Rack Alternate Legs Reverse Lunge (6R+6L)
12 Dual Dumbbell Bent Over Row
12 Dual Kettlebell Seated Shoulder Press
12 Sit-Ups
9 Hand Release Push Ups
6 Pull Ups
Score; Total Reps
Turkish Get Up 1×1
Review form, then build up to a heavy Turkish Get Up with good form on each side.
Within 8 minutes, gradually increase the weight until you reach a controllable, moderately heavy weight that you can lift with both arms.
Take 70-80% of the top weight and complete:
5 sets
2 Turkish Get-Ups (Left+Right)