İçeriğe geç


***Toes to Bar Drills***


  1. 30-45 sn Handstand Hold
  2. 20-30 sn L-Sit Chin Up (Scale with supinated grip bar hang l-sit hold)

Her 3 Dakika içinde 18 Dakika Boyunca (6 Sets)
10 Toes to Bar
15 Box Jump Overs 60/50cm
10 Toes to Bar

*Score is your slowest set.

**S1: 14 Knees to Elbows / S2: 16 Knees to Chest / S3: 12 Tuck Up

Günün sözü: K2C yaparak T2B yapamazsınız! (Albert Einstein)

Rest 5 Minutes

10 EMOM:
3-5 Strict Pull-Ups + 4-6 Hand Release Push Up

*Strict Pull-Up**
(Optional: 1 sec Pause at the top + 2-3 second negative)
Advanced: Strict Pull-Ups + Negative
Intermediate: Banded Strict Pull-Up + Negative
Novice: Jumping Pull Up + Slow negative
Beginner: Ring Row (5-7 reps)