Her 2:30 Dakika içinde 15 Dakika Boyunca (6 Sets)
*Drop and go!
SET/1: 1 Power Clean + 4 Squat Clean @%60-65
SET/2-3: 1 Power Clean + 3 Squat Clean @%65-70
SET/4-5: 1 Power Clean + 2 Squat Clean @%70-75
SET/6: 1 Power Clean + 1 Squat Clean @%80-85
AMRAP 1:00
10 Thrusters 30/20 kg
Max Reps Bar Muscle Ups (Or Chest to Bar)
-Rest 1 Minute between sets-
*Complete Sets until you get to 30 Bar Muscle Ups (total) (Or 60 Chest to Bar Pull Up)
Scale w/60 Pull Up or Jumping Pull Up or 90 Ring Rows