İçeriğe geç


“Team of 2”

For Time (Time Cap: 15 Minutes)

90 Double Unders

30 Clean and Jerks

30 Bar Muscle Ups (S1; 45 C2B – S2; 75 Ring Rows)

30 Snatches

90 Double Unders

Barbell: 50/35 kg – S1: 40/25 kg

“362 BodyBuilding” (All for quality)
3-4 sets
10 Tempo Pendlay Row (2/4 BodyWeight) (2121)
10 Dual Dumbbell Bench Press (moderate weight)

-Rest 1 min between sets

3-4 sets
10 barbell curls (lightweight)
10 barbell skull crushers (light weight)

-Rest 1 min between sets