Skills and Drills
Handstand Push-up Skill Work
5 Sets (1 Abmat)
5 Kick Up + 3-second Descent + Strict Press
5 Sets (Plate 25kg)
3-5 Kick Up + 3-second Descent + Kick Down (reset)
5 Sets (From Box or Pike Position)
3-5: 3-second Descent + Strict Press
* Use standing Banded Overhead Hold as a substitute for athletes who struggle with stability.
Her 4 Dakika içinde 16 Dakika Boyunca
10 Ring/Parallel Bar Dips (S1; 10-15 Bench Dips)
20 Feet Elevated Ring Rows (Substition; 20 Feet Elevated Australian Pull Up) (S1; 15-20 Ring Rows)
5R+5L Filly Press (RPE 9)
Amrap 10:
10 Burpee to Target (15 cm)
7 Chin Up
Amrap 6:
Max Sit-Up