Strength 10 EMOM: 3-rep Deadstop Deadlift (Clean Grip)*Build up to a Heavy 3-rep WOD“The Challenge”10 Sets of 1:00 on / 1:00 off15 Hang Power Cleans (30/20… Daha fazlasını oku »150125
Strength 10 EMOM: 3-rep Deadstop Deadlift (Clean Grip)*Build up to a Heavy 3-rep WOD“The Challenge”10 Sets of 1:00 on / 1:00 off15 Hang Power Cleans (30/20… Daha fazlasını oku »150125
Strength 8 EMOM3-rep Pause Strict Shoulder Press (2-3 second pause at bottom)*Build up to a Heavy 3-rep WOD“2 Kişilik Takım Antrenmanı”“I Go You Go”15:00 AMRAP30 Double… Daha fazlasını oku »140125
8 EMOM: 3 Pause Back Squats *Build up to a Heavy Back Pause Squat (2-3-seconds) 20 EMOM: Rx+ 0:40 work / 0:20 rest S1: 0:20… Daha fazlasını oku »130125
StrengthFront Squat 6×46 sets x 4 Front Squats (75%)-Complete a set every 2:00- WOD“Team of 2”20 AMRAP:Buy in: 100 Cal Ergo“I Go You Go”12 Alt.… Daha fazlasını oku »110125
WOD [TEAMS OF 3] AMRAP 25: 60 Cal Ergo 60 Toes to Bar 30 Power Cleans 60/40 kg /////////////////////////////// HIP’S DONT LIE- 17:30 “SWEET CHILI”… Daha fazlasını oku »100125
WOD18:00 AMRAP9 Deadlifts 50/35 kg12 Box Jumps 60/50 cm15 V-Ups Extra Work 3-4 Sets (*not for time) 15-20 Ring Push Ups (S1; Deficit Push Ups) 8R+8L… Daha fazlasını oku »090125
Accessory “TheBox362 Mini-Pump –Upper Body”3 Rounds10 Supported Single Arm DB Tempo Row (each side)@ moderate weight – maintain quality RPE 7-rest 30 seconds-10 Inverted Skull Crusher… Daha fazlasını oku »080125
Her 3 Dakika içinde 12 Dakika Boyunca 7 Front Squat + 13 Back Squat (%40-50 of 1Rm Back Squat) WOD“2 Kişilik Takım Antrenmanı”18 AMRAP:18 Bar Facing… Daha fazlasını oku »070125
WOD5 Sets3:00 AMRAP 20 Calorie Ergo20 Wall Balls 9/6 kgMax Toes to Bar*3:00 rest btw sets**Score: Total T2B Accessory Gymnastics: Ring Muscle-ups / Strict Pull-upsChoose between… Daha fazlasını oku »060125
Teams of 2 For Time:3 sets (each/1:1)200m Ergo10 Deadlift 60/40 kg200m Ergo10 Front Squats 60/40 kg200m Ergo 8 EMOM: