İçeriğe geç



3 Rounds

A) 2:00 AMRAP:

30 Double Unders

10 Alt. DB Snatch (22.5/15 kg)

Max DB Face Burpees

2:00 Rest

B) 2:00 AMRAP:

15/12 Cal Ergo

12 Thrusters (30/20 kg)

Max Bar Muscle Ups (S1; C2B > Pull Ups > Jumping Opt.)

2:00 Rest

Score: A+B



cant feel my legs

3 Super Sets

x Barbell Back Rack Lunges

Rest 30sec

20 Banded Leg Curls

Rest 90sec

Set-1: 12 reps

Set-2: 10 reps

Set-3: 8 reps


*Build in weight over the 3 sets.

*Keep your hips down on the Banded Leg Curl.