İçeriğe geç


Bar Muscle Ups Skill Work
Warm-up skill work: Landing tall with tension – *
– Then –
6 rounds, every 90 seconds complete:
* Advance: 4-7 Bar Muscle Ups
* Moderate: 6-8 Box Bar Muscle Ups, Kipping Chest to Bar Pull-ups, or Kipping Pull-ups
* Beginner: 8-12 Ring Rows


A) 5 EMOM:

5 DB Facing Burpee

Max Alt. DB Snatches (22.5/15 kg)


B) 15 AMRAP:

“Team of 2 / IGYG”

12/10 Cal Ergo

10 Toes to Bar

8 Chest to Bar Pull Up (S1; 8 Pull Ups – S2; 10 Ring Rows)

Score: (A kısmı için her iki atletin toplam db snatch sayısı) + (B kısmı toplam rounds +reps)