Strength Complex
Every 2:00 for 5 sets, building in weight:
3 Push Press + 2 Push Jerks + 1 Split Jerk
* Complex should be completed unbroken.
“Team of 2” “IGYG”
Buy in: 25 Wall Walks *share anyway
8 Med Ball Forward Lunge 9/6 kg
8 Hang Med Ball Cleans 9/6 kg
8 Med Ball Reverse Lunge 9/6 kg
*The ball can be held any way for the lunges. The cleans are hang squat cleans.
2-3 Sets;
12-16 Alt. KB Gorilla Rows (rpe 6-7)
12-15 Plate Deficit Push Ups
12-15 DB Pull Overs (rpe 6-7)
rest 1′ btw sets