Strength 1
Her 1:30 içinde 6 Dakika Boyunca (4 Sets)
3 Power Snatch @70% of 1RM Snatch
* Focus on form! Drop and go!
Strength 2
Her 1:30 içinde 6 Dakika Boyunca (4 Sets)
5 Overhead Squats @70 of 1RM Snatch
Part – 1 / 7 AMRAP
35 Cal Ergo
25 V-up
20 Kettlebell Head Cutter (20/12 kg)
3 Dk Dinlen
Part -2 / 7 AMRAP
25 Burpee Box Step Over (60/50 cm) (*Box step over hareketinde eller vücuda temas etmeyecek!)
30 Sit-Ups
20 Alt. Dumbbell Cleans (22,5/15 kg)