

Barbell“Snatch Work” Her 2 Dakika içinde 12 Dakika Boyunca (6 Sets) 1-2-3 Sets: Squat Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch (above knee) + Hang Squat Snatch (below knee) + Paused Overhead Squat (dipte 2 sn bekle!)4-5-6 Sets: Power Snatch + Hang Power Snatch (above knee) + Hang Power Snatch (below knee) + Paused Overhead Squat (dipte 2 sn bekle!) *Sets/1-2-3…

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Her 3:00 içinde 21:00 Boyunca (7 Sets) 10 Alt. DB Hang Clusters (22,5/15 kg)8 Burpee Pull Ups6 High Box Jumps (75/60 cm) *Score is slowest round Pump Session: “Team of 2” “I Go You Go Rounds” *dont touch barbell to the ground! 12 Amrap: 8 Hang Power Clean 10 Hang Power Clean & Press 8…

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For Time “2 Kişilik Takım Antrenmanı” 120 Russian Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)120 Steps One Arm KB OH Walking Lunge120 Cal Row&Ski Erg (Subs: 150 Cal Bike&AirDyne)120 Wall Ball Shots (9/6 kg) *KB Swing ve OH Lunge hareketinde aynı ağırlıkla çalışınız! Gymnastics 9 EMOM:

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Split Jerk Teknik Çalışma (Dip Drive + Tall Jerk + Jerk Press …etc) BarbellHer 2:00 içinde 18:00 Boyunca (9 Sets)*focus on perfect technique for each set Sets/1-2-3;3 Front Squats + 3 Push Presses*60% of 1RM Clean&Jerk Sets/4-5-6;2 Front Squats + 2 Push Jerks*70% of 1RM Clean&Jerk Sets/7-8-9;1 Front Squat + 1 Split Jerk*80% of 1RM Clean&Jerk WOD…

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Barbell Her 1:30 içinde 12:00 Boyunca (8 Sets) 1+1+1+1 Snatch Deadlift + Hang Power Snatch + Overhead Squat + Squat Snatch *Boş barbell ile başlayıp, 8 set sonunda en yüksek ağırlığa ulaşmaya çalışınız. WOD 5 Sets Amrap 2:00 18/15 Cal Row&Ski (21/18 Cal Bike&AirDyne) In the remaining time max box jump overs (60/50 cm) Rest…

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18 AMRAP: “2 Kişilik Takım Antrenmanı” –“I Go You Go Rounds” 10 Power Cleans 20 Bar Facing Burpee 10 Power Cleans *Barbell: 50/35 kg *Her round için 3 dakika ve altında bir zaman hedefleyin. S1: 7 PC + 15 BFB + 7 PC (40/25 kg) *Scale weight as needed. Score: Total reps Accessory (push/pull)4 Sets14-18…

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Strength Her 2:00 içinde 12:00 Boyunca 5 Back Squat (rpe 8/10) Metcon/1 7 Amrap: 10 Push Up 8R+8L Dumbbell Snatch (20/12,5 kg) 4′ Rest Metcon/2 7 Amrap: 10 Toes to Bar (S1; 10 K2E – S2; 8 K2C) 8R+8L Single Arm Dumbbell Push Jerk (20/12,5 kg) Core; 3 Sets 20 Hollow Rocks + 16 Superman…

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Barbell*Find 1 rep max Squat Clean (Time Cap: 12 Min)(start the first set with empty barbell and increase the weight after each successful set) WOD Alt. EMOM 20: Odd: 25 Double Unders + 3 Deadlifts + 3 Hang Power Cleans + 3 Shoulder to Overhead Even: Rest *Barbell: 50/35 kg – Scale weight as needed.

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WOD “2 Kişilik Takım Antrenmanı” For Time: 60 Power Snatch (40/25 kg) (switch 10 reps) 120 Double Unders (switch 60 reps) 54 Overhead Squat (40/25 kg) (switch 9 reps) 100 Double Unders (switch 50 reps) 48 Power Clean (50/35 kg) (switch 8 reps) 80 Double Unders (switch 40 reps) 42 Squat Clean (60/40 kg) (switch…

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