

Gymnastics Strength/Accessory
10 EMOM:

3-5 Strict Pull-Ups
(Optional: 1 sec Pause at the top + 2-3 second negative)

Advanced: Strict Pull-Ups + Negative
Intermediate: Banded Strict Pull-Up + Negative
Novice: Jumping Pull Up + Slow negative
Beginner: Ring Row/Banded Lat Pull Down (5-8 reps)

Teams of 2
For Time:
20 Dual DB/KB Thrusters (Dumbbell: 2x 20/15 kg – KB: 2x 20/16 kg)
100 Double Unders (each/same time)
16 Dual DB/KB Thrusters
80 Double Unders (each/same time)
12 Dual DB/KB Thrusters
60 Double Unders (each/same time)
8 Dual DB/KB Thrusters
40 Double Unders (each/same time)
4 Dual DB/KB Thrusters
20 Double Unders (each/same time)

*Split up work however you see fit

S1: x2 Single Unders

Score: Time



*if time permits

Core Control
4 Rounds
30 Sec: Side Plank(R)
30 Sec: Side Plank(L)
30 Sec: Plank
1 Min: Rest

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