

StrengthFloor Press 5×5 (Time Cap: 15-Min)*rpe 7-8 *15 dakika içinde; en iyi 5 tekrar ağırlığınızı bulunuz ve bu ağırlık ile 5 set yapınız. WOD “Team of 2″ / ” IGYG”8 AMRAP:8 Chest to Bar Pull Up (S1; 6 Pull Up or Jumping Opt. – S2; 10 Ring Row)8 Thrusters 30/20 kg 2′ Dinlen 8 AMRAP:…

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WOD  4 Sets3:00 AMRAP:12 Wall Ball Shots (9/6 kg)10/8 Cal ErgoMax Alt. Devils Press (22.5/15 kg) *Rest 3:00 after each sets. Score: Total Devils Press reps. Accessory“TheBox362 Mini-Pump – Back and Biceps”4 Rounds 12 Supported Single Arm DB Row (each side) @ moderate weight – maintain quality RPE 7 (YouTube)10 DB Zottman Curl @ moderate…

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Oly Her 1:30 içinde 12:00 Boyunca (8 Sets) Power Clean 5-4-3-2-2-3-4-5 (Start with %55-60, build up to %80) Strength  Push Press Her 2:00 içinde 16:00 Boyunca (8 Sets) 10-10-7-7-4–4-1-1(%60-70-80-%80+) Core Her 2:00 içinde 8:00 Boyunca (4 Sets) 5 Strict Toes-To-Bar 10 Toes-To-Bar 20 Sec:Hollow Hold

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WOD5 Sets (New set every 5:00)3:00 AMRAP8 Strict Chin Ups16 Alt. DB Snatch (22.5/15 kg)*Max Box Jump Overs (60/50 cm) in Remaining Time-rest 2:00 between sets-*Score is total BJO Core Work3 sets:15 Stick Sit Ups30 Flutter Kicks (each side)15 Standing Banded Pallof Press (each side)  *Rest 2:00 b/t sets

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Conditioning “Team of 2” For Time: 3000-Meters Ergo 60 Burpee Broad Jumps 2000-Meters Ergo 45 Burpee Touch 1000-Meters Ergo 30 Reverse Burpees Cap Time:35 Min AccessoryTheBox362 Mini-Pump –Leg Day3 Rounds 10 Elevated Toe Double DB Romanian Deadlift @ Moderate weight – maintain control and quality RPE 710 Partner Assist Nordic (Hamstring) Curl @ moderate weight…

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Strength ComplexEvery 2:00 for 5 sets, building in weight:3 Push Press + 2 Push Jerks + 1 Split Jerk* Complex should be completed unbroken. WOD “Team of 2” “IGYG” 15 AMRAP: Buy in: 25 Wall Walks *share anyway8 Med Ball Forward Lunge 9/6 kg8 Hang Med Ball Cleans 9/6 kg8 Med Ball Reverse Lunge 9/6…

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Handstand Push-ups and Jump Rope Skill WorkTake 5 min to review/practice, then 10 EMOM:odd: 5-10 reps of handstand push-ups at your level below.even: Crossover-singles, double-unders, or single-unders. Choose a maintainable number or practice for 30 seconds. Handstand Pushup Levels:Level 1: Box handstand push-ups or seated shoulder pressLevel 2: Kipping handstand push-upsLevel 3: Strict handstand push-upsLevel…

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Strength Her 3:30 içinde 14:00 Boyunca (4 Sets) (RPE 6-7) 12 Barbell Back Rack Alternate Legs Reverse Lunge (6R+6L) 12 Dual Dumbbell Bent Over Row 12 Dual Kettlebell Seated Shoulder Press WOD 12 AMRAP: 12 Sit-Ups 9 Hand Release Push Ups 6 Pull Ups Score; Total Reps AccessoryTurkish Get Up 1×1Review form, then build up…

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