

Oly 10 EMOM: 3 Clean&Jerks (%65-75) TNG Strength Her 1:30 içinde 9:00 Boyunca (6 Sets) 8-7-6-5-4-3 Front Squat (%50-55-60-65-70-75) WOD 8 AMRAP: 8 Alt. DB Snatch (22.5/15 kg) 8 Toes to Bar (S1; 10 K2C – S2; 12 V-Up) 8 Burpee 180 Degree (YouTube)

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WODFor Time:10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1Burpee Lateral Jump Dumbbell Deadlift (2x 25/20 kg)30 Double Unders after each set Accessory TheBox362 Mini-Pump –Leg Day4 Rounds10 Barbell Romanian Deadlift @ Moderate weight – maintain control and quality RPE 710 Hamstring Ring Curls @ moderate weight – maintain quality RPE 715 Seated Dumbbell Calf Raise @ moderate weight (each side) – maintain quality…

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Strength Bench Press 5 Sets8 Tempo Dual Dumbbell Bench Press (rpe 7-8) (3111)8 Tempo Snatch Grip barbell bent over rows after each set (rpe 7-8) (2121)-rest 2 minutes between sets- WOD4 sets (2:30 AMRAP)12/10 Cal Ergo5 Bar Muscle Ups (Scale 10 Kipping Chest to Bar)Max Wall Balls (9/6 kg) in Remaining Time *Rest 2:30 btw sets*Score is total Wall…

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Strength Front SquatBuild up to a 3RM Front Squat*12 dakika içerisinde, toplamda 6-8 set olacak şekilde günün en iyi 3 tekrar “front squat” ağırlığını bulunuz. Hafif ağırlıklarda dinlenmeniz daha kısa olmalı. Boş barla başlayınız. WODFor Time:30-24-18-12-6Kettlebell Swings 24/16 kgSit-Ups10-8-6-4-2Box Jumps 75/60 cm

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Gymnastics Skill WorkTake 10 minutes to review Ring Dips, practice/warm-up, and explore scaling options as needed. Suggested scalings:Matador DipsBench DipsHeel Box Ring Dips Parallel Bar Dips WOD“Push/Pull/Jump” “Team of 2 – IGYG”16 AMRAP:6 Renegade Row (YouTube) (1 Push Up + 1 DB Row + 1 Push Up + 1 DB Row=1 Rep)6 Pull Ups (S1;…

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Strength 15RM Back Squat In-a 12 minutes window find 5RM Back Squat of the day! *Start with empty barbell! Strength 2Strict Chin Up8 EMOM: 6-10 Strict Chin Up (S1; 10-12 Supinated Grip Australian Pull Ups) WOD“2 Kişilik Takım Antrenmanı” “Dont Drop Your Barbell!”6 Rounds For Time:15 Clean&Jerk (50/35 kg)15 Bar Facing Burpees rest 1:1 *3 rounds…

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Strength Shoulder Press5 sets5 Tempo Shoulder Press (65%) (3111)5 Tempo bent over-dual dumbbell rows after each set (rpe 8) (2121)-rest 2 minutes between sets- WOD“2 Kişilik Takım Antrenmanı”15:00 AMRAPBuy in: 120 Cal ErgoRounds of;30 V-Ups30 Dumbbell Goblet Box Step Ups (22.5/15 kg) (50 cm)Score; Total Rounds + Reps 6 EMOM:

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Strength 3 Dakika İçinde 12 Dakika Boyunca (4 Sets)12-12-10-8 Tempo Deadlift (31×1) (%50) Oly (only 13:00 class) Her 2:30 içinde 10:00 Boyunca (4 Sets) 1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Squat Snatch + 2 Overhead Squat *start the first set with %60 of 1 rep max snatch and increase the weight after each set. (find…

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2 Kişilik Takım Antrenmanı “I Go You Go” 10 Rounds For Time: (for quality) 15 Stick Sit-Ups10 Alternate Legs Barbell Back Rack Box Step Ups (50 cm) (rpe 6-7)15 Russian Kettlebell Swing (rpe 7) *Bireysel Opsiyon: 5 Rounds / 1:1 Rest 12 EMOM: (Alternate EMOM’s)1st: 12 Barbell Hip Trust (RPE 5-6)2nd: 12 DB Bent Over Reverse Fly3rd:…

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