Strength 1
Strict Shoulder Press 5×5
Her 2:00 içinde 10:00 Boyunca (5 Sets)
5 Strict Press
Start at 60% of 1RM and build to a moderately-heavy set (75-80%).
25-50-75-100. . .
Double Unders (S1: x2 Single Unders)
Strict Handstand Push Ups (S1: x2 Barbell Z-Press 30/20 kg) *scale weights as needed!
Strength 2
Lying DB Hamstring Curl
4 sets: 10 reps – RPE 8
*Rest 1:00 b/t sets
Strength 3
Bent Over Barbell Row – Underhand Grip
4 sets: 10 Reps – RPE 8
*Rest 1:00 b/t sets