16 EMOM:
- 8-10 Bench Press (70/50/30 kg)
- 8-12 Dual Kettlebell Bent Over Row (rpe 8/10)
- 8-15 Strict Handstand Push Up (Scale Dual DB Z-Press)
- 30-45sn Dumbbell Goblet Active Squat Hold (rpe 7/10)
“Accumulate as many T2B as possible”
8 Rounds:
1 Min On : 1 Min Off
20 Double Unders
4 One Arm Dumbbell Thruster (22.5/15 kg)
Max Toes to Bar
S1; 35 Single Unders & V-Up
Score-1: En az yaptığın round
Score-2: Toplam T2B or V-Ups
*Bu antrenman özelinde T2B ya da Knees to Elbow yapamıyorsanız, V-Up ya da Tuck-Up ile uyarlayınız. Knees to Chest yapmayınız!