Strength 1
Barbell Complex
2 Power Cleans + 1 Push Jerk (@65% of 1RM)
Strength 2
Front Squat
Her 1:30 içinde 7:30 Boyunca (5 Sets)
3-2-1-1-1 Front Squat (build up in weight)
*her set için zaman sınırı 4:30
Every 6:00 (3 sets)
30 Air Squats (S1: 24 reps – S2: 18 reps)
20 Toes to Bar (S1: 15 reps – S2: 15 K2E or K2C)
30 Push Ups (Rx+: 15 Strict Handstand Push Ups) (S1: 25 reps) (S2: 20 reps)
20 Kipping Pull Ups (S1: 15 reps – S2: 20 Ring Row)
**Score is your slowest time