***Toes to Bar Drills***
A) Her 2 Dakika içinde 12 Dakika Boyunca
Back Squat
@1-2-3 Sets: 6-8 tekrar %60-65
@4-5-6 Sets: 4-6 tekrar %70-75
B) Gymnastics Conditioning
For Time & Reps
1 Min Max Strict Pull Ups
Directly into
50 Chest to Bar Pull Ups (Time Cap: 5 Min)
Rest 3 Min
1 Min Max Strict Toes to Bar
Directly into
50 Toes to Bar (Time Cap: 5 Min)
*Bu antrenman özelinde “ring row/australian pull up” son tercihiniz olsun.
Scale Options:
- “Strict Pull Up” ve “Chest to Bar Pull Up” yerine “Box or Plate Assisted Jumping Pull Up Negatives”
- “Strict Toes to Bar” ve “Toes to Bar” yerine sırasıyla “Knees to Elbows” > “Knees to Chest”
C) Core
3-4 Sets
30sec Right Side Plank + 16 Russian Twist + 30sec Left Side Plank + 12 Thuck Up
no rest btw sets