Strength 1
Her 1:30 içinde 7:30 içinde (5 Sets)
Front Squat:
3 Tempo Front Squats x 5 sets @65% of 1RM
*Tempo = 3 second negative and 1 second standing (contraction) portion
Strength 2
Her 1:30 içinde 7:30 içinde (5 Sets)
Strict Chin Up (Supinated) (Unbroken)
Max Strict Unbroken Supinated Pull-ups x 5 sets
*Scale with jumping supinated pull up or banded options.
Buy in: 40 Chest to Bar Pull Ups (S1; 30 Pull-Ups or banded opt. , S2; 30 Ring Rows)
14 Box Jump Overs (60/50 cm)
14 Russian Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
14 V-Up
Score; Total Rounds + Reps