Skills and Drills
Every minute (10:00)
10-12 Pistols
Every minute (10:00)
8-10 Pistols (plates under heels/counterweight in front)
6-10 Pistols (to a box or using a band)
* Use any of the past week’s progression to help your athletes work towards gaining strength and stability in the Pistol Squat. ( 110723 | the box 362 )
Alternative Option:
3 sets
10 Alternating Double Dumbbell Step Back Lunges (Front Rack) @ moderate weight
10 Barbell Good Morning
10 Single leg Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift (each side) @ moderate weight
15 EMOM:
- 50 Double Unders (S1; 35 DU – S2; 80 Single Unders)
- 10 Clean&Jerk (40/30 kg) (S1; 7 reps)
- 50 Double Unders
- 10 Thrusters (40/30 kg) (S1; 7 reps)
- Rest
Optional / Gymnastics
4 Sets
20 seconds Ring Dip Support Hold
Rest 20 seconds
20 seconds L-Hang Hold
(rest 1 minute between sets)