1RM Squat Clean and Push Jerk
In-12 minutes-window find your daily 1RM of Squat Clean and Push Jerk.
*Score: Daily max!
Partner-1: Max Cal Ergo
5 Power Cleans 50/35 kg
5 Shoulder to Overhead 50/35 kg
5 Double Dumbbell “Suitcase” Box Step Overs (2x 17,5/10 kg) – (60/50 cm)
5 Double Dumbbell “Front Rack” Box Step Overs (2x 17,5/10 kg) – (60/50 cm)
*Switch after full rounds.
*Round bitişinde dambılları yere bırak, yerden al! Box üzerine koymak, değdirmek yasaktır!
Score: Total Cal + Reps
*Bireysel opsiyon için 1:00 work / 0:30 rest – alternate emom*
Accessory (upper/unilateral)
3 Sets
10 Single Arm DB Z Press (right)
10 Single Arm DB Z Press (left)
10 Chainsaw DB Row (right)
10 Chainsaw DB Row (left)
Rest 1:00-1:30 btw sets