

A1) 16 DK EMOM

  1. 15/12 calories Ski Erg (S1; 40sec on/20sec off – S2; 30sec on/30sec off)
  2. 15 reps Toes to Bar (S1; 15 Kness to Elbow / S2; 18 Knees to Chest)
  3. 20 Plate Deficit Push Up (S1; 16 Reps / S2; 12 Reps)
  4. REST

4 Dk Dinlen

A2) 16 DK EMOM

  1. 15/12 calories Row (S1; 40sec on/20sec off – S2; 30sec on/30sec off)
  2. 15 reps Thrusters (Rx;40/25 kg – S1: 30/20 kg – S2: 20/15 kg)
  3. 15 Kipping Pull Up (S1; 9 Kipping Pull Up / S2; 15 Ring Inverted Row)
  4. REST

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